NOVAKBM (KBM): Report on operations and unaudited financial statements of Nova KBM d.d. and the Nova KBM Group for the period January – September 2013 - raport 46

UNI - EN REPORT No46/2013

In accordance with provisions of the Code of Best Practice for Warsaw Stock Exchange Listed Companies, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, Nova KBM d.d. hereby publishes the following announcement:

Nova KBM, d.d. hereby publishes the Unaudited results of operations of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. for the period January - September 2013.

Attachment: Unaudited results of operations of the Nova KBM Group and Nova KBM d.d. for the period January - September 2013

This announcement will be available on the Bank's website ( as from 29 November 2013.


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