ICDP (ICD): Registered change in one of the members of the Board of Directors - raport 23

With the present the Company would like to inform the public of the following:

The legal entity member of the Board of Directors of ICPD, AHELOY 2012 EOOD has been transformed after capital increase from limited liability company with sole owner to a limited liability company and thus, changes its name to AHELOY 2012 OOD. This change is registered in the file of AHELOY 2012 OOD in the Commercial Register of the registry Agency on 11.08.2014 with file number 20140811094817.

Legal basis: § 17 Section 4 of the Alternative Trading System Rules NewConnect

Osoby reprezentujące spółkę:
Milen Bozhilov - Investor relations director



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